
Lab Services

Family Medicine located in Helena, MT

Lab Services

Lab services, like bloodwork, urinalysis, and sexually transmitted infection (STI) tests, provide a quick and convenient way to gain insights into your health. At Sage Medical Clinic in Helena, Montana, the team of experienced family medicine providers provides various lab services to people of all ages. Turnaround times are typically 48 hours or less, so you can start feeling better right away. Call Sage Medical Clinic today to schedule lab services for yourself or your child, or book an appointment online. 

What are lab services?

Lab services analyze bodily fluids, like blood, urine, or saliva, to learn more about your health and well-being. 

Many chronic conditions, like high cholesterol and diabetes, don’t present symptoms. Oftentimes, the only way to know if you’re at risk is to undergo specific diagnostic tests. Lab services let your Sage Medical Clinic provider screen for certain conditions without invasive procedures like surgery.

What are some common lab services?

The Sage Medical Clinic team provides various lab services, including:


Your blood contains microscopic solids and chemicals, including red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, nitrogen, and iron. Analyzing the amounts of these and other components helps identify potentially serious health problems, like diabetes, high cholesterol, and blood cancer.


Urinalysis analyzes your blood for the presence of microscopic organisms and/or chemicals. The Sage Medical Clinic team uses urinalysis to diagnose various health problems, including kidney disease, liver disease, and urinary tract infections (UTIs).


During a culture test, your Sage Medical Clinic provider collects a saliva or mucus sample from your nose or throat. Then, they send the sample to a lab that analyzes it for harmful bacteria. This test is used to diagnose common bacterial infections, like strep throat.

STI testing

STI testing analyzes your blood, urine, or saliva for sexually transmitted infections, like gonorrhea, chlamydia, or human papillomavirus (HPV). Most STIs can be treated with antibiotics or antiviral medications.

Do lab services require special preparation?

Whether or not you need to prepare for lab services depends on the type of test you’re undergoing. For example, if your provider wants to measure your blood sugar levels, they might ask you to fast for at least eight hours beforehand. That way, they can get a good idea of your baseline blood sugar.

Similarly, you might need to avoid drinking lots of water before undergoing urinalysis. If you overhydrate before providing your sample, it could be too watered down to make a diagnosis. If you need to prepare in any way, your Sage Medical Clinic provider lets you know beforehand.

When will I get the results of my lab tests?

Sage Medical Clinic provides most lab test results within 24-48 hours of collecting the samples. Some tests may take longer, but the team strives to provide prompt results so you can start feeling better quickly.

Call Sage Medical Clinic today to schedule lab services for yourself or your child, or book your appointment online.